
Inhambane, Região Sul

Cumbane, Inhambane, Região Sul , Mozambique (MZ/MOZ) ,1308 。


Which sub-regions are included in Cumbane? Here's the list of sub-regions in Cumbane.
City Postcode
Cumbane 1308
Inhambane 1300
Funhalouro 1313
Tome 1313
Nova Mambone 1306
Save 1306
Homoine 1309
Maxixe 1301
Pembe 1309
Inharrime 1311
Mucumbi 1311
Inhassoro 1305
Cumbana 1307
Inhambane 1307
Jangamo 1307
Mabote 1314
Zimane 1314
Zinave 1314
Chicomo 1303
Massinga 1303
Mocoduene 1302
Morrumbene 1302
Mawayela 1310
Panda 1310
Urrene 1310
Mapinhane 1304
Vilankulo 1304
Quissico 1312
Zandamela 1312
Envelope Example

For more explanation, please read the official document: moz.pdf . (English)

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